A growth spurt in babies is fairly common, especially during their first year. They can sometimes happen so fast that mums and dads are surprised that their little one has suddenly grown in size!
When does a growth spurt occur, and what changes can parents expect when it happens? Read on to find out more.
When Do Growth Spurts in Babies Happen?
Growth spurts don't have a set schedule, as they can happen at any point in time, especially during their first year. There are newborn growth spurts and baby growth spurts: typically, they happen at 10 days, 3 - 12 weeks, 5 months, 7 months, 9 months, and 12 months old1. Typically, growth spurts last throughout their formative years until your child reaches 3 years old2.
However, there's no need to be too worried if your little one doesn't stick to this timeline. Babies grow at different rates, and genetics also plays a role when it comes to your baby's growth. Having a smaller baby doesn't necessarily mean that your little one is unhealthy or lagging behind in development. It could just mean that their body is different.
Feel free to consult your baby's pediatrician if you're worried about your baby. They should be able to consult a Singapore baby growth chart and provide you with advice on what you can do to make sure your little one's growth is on track.

How Do You Know a Growth Spurt Is Happening?
When growth spurts in babies happen, parents should expect a number of changes.
One of the possible signs during a baby growth spurt is a change in their sleeping habits. You might notice your baby sleeping more often right before they have a growth spurt. Though, in some babies, the opposite happens and they tend to have shorter naps or wake up more frequently at night.
Some babies also become more fussy during a growth spurt. They might start to cry more often, and they start becoming more clingy than usual. It's also possible that you might have difficulties during nap times or bedtime.
During this period, babies will require more nutrition and energy to support their growth spurts3.
All of these are things that you can expect to happen as your baby experiences growth spurts during their first year.
What Important Things Do Mum and Dad Need to Know?
Here are some important things to remember when it comes to growth spurts in babies:
Make sure that your child has the right nutrition. Their body uses minerals and nutrients from food to grow, so it's important to provide them with what their body needs.
Another thing to remember is to make sure your child gets enough rest. Aside from having a full night's sleep, it's also important that they take naps during the daytime4.
Babies can be fussy during a growth spurt, and this can be tiring for mums and dads. Don't hesitate to ask for help from your close friends or relatives if you need a break5. You could look into hiring a nanny to care for your little one so you have time to rest.
Regular checkups are important so that your baby's doctor can stay on top of their health and development. It's also a good idea to schedule your little one's vaccines, so that they are protected from disease and illness.
Enjoy your little one's first year. Your baby's first year is full of milestones and amazing moments, so be sure to enjoy every second of it! It's amazing to see your little one grow right before your eyes, and being present during those moments is an incredible feeling.
How Can You Tell If Your Baby’s Growth is On Track?
It helps to check with your doctor to know if your child's growth is within the usual bounds7. As your baby grows, your doctor can compare their growth to the national average as visualised in the Singapore baby growth chart6. Doctors will measure your child's head circumference, weight, height, and body mass.
In terms of height, children are expected to grow by around 4 cm in a year. However, if there is a history of being late bloomers within a child's family, it may also be expected that they get their growth spurt later on7.

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- GROWTH / APPETITE SPURTS in the first year,
Accessed August 16, 2021 - The infancy-childhood growth spurt - PubMed,
Accessed August 16, 2021 - Baby growth spurts - BabyCentre UK,
Accessed August 16, 2021 - Your Child's Growth (for Parents) - Nemours Kidshealth,
Accessed August 16, 2021 - Managing Growth Spurts | Medela,
Accessed August 16, 2021 - Health booklet - Health Promotion Board,
Accessed October 21, 2021 - My Child Is Short for His Age. What Should I Do? - HealthHub, Ministry of Health,
Accessed October 21, 2021