All babies have their own timetable, but you can watch for certain developments in your 8-month-old. Celebrate with your baby as she reaches or nears these milestones.
Recognizes people and objects at a distance
Experiments with object permanence (objects and people that are out of sight still exist)
Curious about objects just out of reach; reaches for them
May look for dropped objects
Attaches meaning to certain sights, sounds, and gestures; may be ready to learn baby sign language
Begins to understand that objects and people have names
Anticipates what comes next in familiar routines (running water means a bath)
Practices using thumb and index finger to pick up small objects (pincer grasp)
Passes objects from one hand to the other
Holds a toy or object in each hand
Bangs objects on a table, floor, or against each other
May feed self, though messily
Begins to drink from a cup
Sits without support
May reach for objects while sitting up
May rock on knees, creep backward, scoot, or crawl
Puts weight on legs when held in a standing position
Looks for and reacts to sounds outside her line of vision
Babbles echo actual words and include vowel and consonant sounds (“ba ba ba,” “da da,” “bah-dah”)
Takes turns mimicking conversation (you talk, she babbles, you talk, she babbles)
May be ready to learn some baby sign language
Distinguishes between strangers and family
May show shyness or fear around strangers
Enjoys peekaboo and other simple games