What is PDX?
PDX stands for Polydextrose, a dietary fiber that feeds beneficial bacteria throughout the large intestine. It supports the balance of the gut system by stimulating growth and activity of beneficial bacteria (gut flora)1, which benefits your child's natural body defences2.
PDX promotes the digestive health
PDX is a more complex-chain dietary fiber that is fermented relatively slowly and to a lesser extent. With the slow rate of fermentation, the effect is throughout the large intestine rather than only the proximal part.
PDX and GOS: Dietary fiber and prebiotic to support digestive health and immunity
PDX and GOS work in tandem throughout the large intestine to foster the growth of good bacteria and promote digestive health1. The unique blend of PDX and GOS promotes frequent and softer stools in children, thus may help to reduce the risk of occasional constipation3.
Where can PDX be obtained?
PDX can be found as an ingredient in foods and beverages such as baked goods, nutrition bars, and yoghurt.
PDX refers to Polydextrose
GOS refers to galacto-oligosaccharides
- Scalabrin DM, Mitmesser SH, Welling GW, Harris CL, Marunycz JD, Walker DC, Bos NA, Tölkkö S, Salminen S, Vanderhoof JA. New prebiotic blend of polydextrose and galacto-oligosaccharides has a bifidogenic effect in young infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012;54:343-52.
- Ouwehand A, Isolauri E, Salminen S. The role of the intestinal microflora for the development of the immune system in early childhood. Eur J Nutr 2002;41 Suppl 1:I32-7.
- Ribeiro TC, Costa-Ribeiro H Jr, Almeida PS, Pontes MV, Leite ME, Filadelfo LR, Khoury JC, Bean JA, Mitmesser SH, Vanderhoof JA, Scalabrin DM. Stool pattern changes in toddlers consuming a follow-on formula supplemented with polydextrose and galactooligosaccharides. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012;54:288-90.