Ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing by prudently going over these topics and issues on his caregiver’s first day.
Rules and expectations
Main tasks and what a typical day will be like
Values that are important to you (honesty, kindness, etc.)
Prorities (hygiene, safety)
Screen time rules for your child
Mobile phone usage
Taking photos of/with your child
Posting photos of/with your child on social media
Taking calls/texting/browsing social media feed while working
Off-limit areas/objects
Work and rest schedule
Meal plan for your caregiver
Having guests over
For emergencies
Your contact information and whom else to call in case you are unavailable
Emergency contact information
Fire department
Poison control
Nearby hospitals
Neighbours or close-by friends/relatives
Locations of:
Light switches
Fire extinguisher
Escape route
First-aid kit
Fuse box
Water shutoff
Emergency kit
*You may opt to enrol your caregiver in short courses on handling different child emergencies.
Child’s schedule
Activities for the day (if possible be specific about which books/games/toys to focus on for the day/week). Ensure that varied activities are planned to continue encouraging your child’s intellectual,physical, and overall development even while you are away.
Bathing instructions
Feeding times
Nap times
Outside walks (if allowed to leave the premises without you)
Sleep routine

Feeding time
Feeding time and preparation instructions
Food that’s off-limits
Allergy information
Vitamins/medications (if any)

What triggers/ how to deal with tantrums
Boundaries when it comes to disciplining your child
How to soothe your child when he/she looks for you or gets hurt
Request for free Enfamama A+ samples to support your nutritional needs here.