Help your baby develop in the twenty-ninth week of your pregnancy
Your baby’s teeth are budding by week 29 of pregnancy. Eat more calcium-rich foods to help him or her build
strong bones and teeth.
What’s happening this week?
By now, your baby’s bones are quite well-formed and he or she is kicking more than ever. In fact, you should feel about 10 fetal movements in a two-hour time spani
. During this period, the cerebral cortex, which is the part of your baby’s brain that is responsible for advanced functions like decision-making, continues to develop, supporting early learningii.
Your baby now weighs about 2.5 pounds (1.2 kilograms), and measures about 15.25 inches from head to toe (38 centimeters)iii.
What can you expect?
Hormonal changes during pregnancy may send you on an emotional rollercoaster at times, but you can mediate pregnancy anxiety and moods swings to enjoy your pregnancy better with these steps:
- Take prenatal classes. Learning more about the third trimester and what to do during labor may relieve your worries.
- Get to know other Mums-to-be. Sharing how you feel and hearing the experiences of others may ease your anxiety.
What can you do to support your pregnancy?
Continue to eat healthy meals to support your baby development. Also include dairy products that are naturally rich in calcium to support you baby’s bone and teeth development. Your care is also important to provide the right environment for your baby’s IQ and EQ development.
Your baby will grow up in a future that requires a balance of both, manifested through advanced thinking and emotion. As you rapidly approach the day when you will finally get to hold your baby in your arms, keeping a journal can bring you and your baby great joy. Research has shown that expressive writing is a great way to find calmiv.
You can keep separate journals – one to write down your worries, and the other to chronicle your feelings of excitement to meet your baby and which you can share with your baby as he or she grows.
Keeping calm is important for another reason in your pregnancy and this is to keep your stress levels down. Elevated stress levels over a long period of time can affect your baby’s development negatively, according to researchv.