Growing toddlers require a balanced diet for a healthy body and digestive system. This is where prebiotics come in to help improve your toddler’s gut health so that they can grow strong and active.   

Basically, our body contains good bacteria known as probiotics that promote gut and immune health1. These tiny living microorganisms feed on prebiotics, which are fibres that the body cannot digest. As a result, prebiotics boost the existence and function of probiotics in the tummy while also doing away with the bad bacteria.  

Prebiotics can be found in high-fibre foods like whole grains and leafy greens2. You can also try unrefined wheat, unrefined barley, or raw oats to get that daily dose of prebiotics. They can also be found in fermented foods like yogurt, kombucha, and kimchi6. Other food sources for prebiotics include fruits like bananas and berries; vegetables like onions, garlic, soybeans, asparagus, tomatoes, shallots, and leeks4. 

In order to ensure their overall growth and development, toddlers need prebiotics in their diet. Specifically, these are the reasons why:  

  • They help gut microbiota produce short-chain fatty acids which are beneficial to the organs3

  • Fermented prebiotics produce peptidoglycan that boost the immune system in fighting pathogens3

  • They promote healthy microorganisms in the tummy3

  • Since prebiotics are found in fruits and veggies, they create a more balanced overall diet. 

  • Prebiotics are found in fruits and vegetables, which have additional nutritional benefits for the body5.  

In fact, there are many benefits in taking prebiotics which create a healthy tummy for your toddler. A strong immune system also ensures your child is in good physical condition so that they can participate actively and focus on learning. From something as simple as prebiotics and tiny microorganisms, your toddler will gain a wholesome development physically and mentally. 

Get your free sample of Enfagrow A+ Stage 3 which contain prebiotics (GOS) that promote the growth of good Bifidus bacteria to help maintain a healthy digestive system, and dietary fibres (PDX) that aid in digestive system functions.   


1 Prebiotics and Probiotics for Babies (n.d.) Retrieved August 24, 2020 from 

2 What are probiotics and prebiotics? (2020) Retrieved August 24, 2020 from 

3Prebiotics: Definition, Types, Sources, Mechanisms, and Clinical Applications (March 2019). Retrieved October 21, 2020 from 

4  Prebiotics are an easy way to prime kids’ immune systems to fight viruses (2017) Retrieved August 24, 2020 from 

5 Prebiotics, probiotics and your health (March 2018). Retrieved October 21, 2020 from  

6Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: What’s the Difference? (March 2020). Retrieved October 21, 2020 from