Shrinkx Hips - Clinically Proven to Narrow Hips During Postpartum Period
Lose inches around your hips with Shrinkx Hips postpartum belt, while the hormone relaxin* is still active in your body and pelvic joints are still soft and malleable.
Shrinkx Hips is the only postpartum compression wrap clinically proven to narrow hips. In a clinical study, 95% of moms who wore Shrinkx returned to their pre-pregnancy hip size or smaller.
Caution: Whilst Shrinkx Hips can be worn after C-section, please wait until after all staples or stitches have been removed.
Shrinkx Hips is subject to U.S. Patent No. 9.044.309.
*Relaxin, a hormone needed during delivery as it relaxes the muscles, joints and ligaments, stays in the body for 8 weeks postpartum, giving you a golden opportunity to shrink your hips to pre-pregnancy size … or smaller!