Unleash your child’s learning potential at his favourite playground
Your child begins learning important skills from birth.i In fact, brain development is at its peak between the ages of 1 to 3.ii Don't underestimate the impact you have on your child's development as their early experiences can have a lasting effect on their learning later on.iii With a little bit of creativity, you can use your neighborhood playground to help nurture your child's cognitive, motor, emotional or communication skills. Read on to find out how you can give your child a head start and unleash their learning potential!
Slide Racing - Improve motor, cognitive & communication skills
Get your child to select four toys from home and pit the first two in a race down the slide.
Guide them to predict which will win the race based on the performance of previous races.
Ideal for toddlers aged 1-2, this improves their motor, cognitive and communication skills. You can also use the opportunity to teach older children about gravity.

Topsy Turvy - Communication & problem solving skills
Bring different objects and try to balance them with mom and child on opposite ends of a see-saw.
Greats for ages 3 & above, this activity encourages younger children to think and communicate with mums to strike a balance, whilst older kids can develop thier problem-solving skills.

Shadow tag - Motor skills coordination
You and your child can tag each other's shadow with your feet. In addition to some Vitamin D, your child can coordinate his motor skills and get some great exercise. Triple win! Pro-tips: the closer to noon it is, the shorter the shadows. Do this activity in the mornings or evenings.

Captain of the Universe - Foster motor & cognitive skills
Improvise an obstacle course on the fly for your little one to follow.
Give your child directions like "circle the swing, go down the slide and then cross the monkey bars!", to help foster their motor and cognitive skills.
For older kids aged 4 and above, stretch their thinking by switching roles and encouraging them to set the tasks. The repetition not only improves their memory,iv but also builds their confidence as steps become more complex.

Citations and Sources
- https://www.cdacouncil.org/council-blog/905-cognitive-learning-begins-a…
- https://earlyarts.co.uk/blog/creativity-in-early-brain-development
- https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/five-numbers-to-remember-…
- https://childdevelopment.com.au/areas-of-concern/working-memory/
* Mead Johnson & Company claim based in part on Value Sales data reported by Nielsen for the Children Nutrition Milk Formula category across measured off-premise retail channels in 27 countries for the 12 months ending June 2017.