Inspire learning through play at the beach
Did you know that 90 percent of a child’s brain development occurs in the first five years of his life?i That too at a lightning-fast pace! That’s why there’s no better time to help your little ones start to making sense of the world around them
Feed the Shark
For an imaginative arts and crafts activity, make a cut out of a shark to bring to the beach. To strengthen their motor skills, ask your child to feed the shark (from the safety of the shore) with different items they can find in nature. No fear of a shark attack here!

Stick in the Sand
Ask your child to draw works of art in the sand on your next seaside trip. To help them build confidence and trust, take turns and guess what each other has drawn. It’s not only a fun activity to promote creativity and enhance communication skills, but is also a great way to spend time with the little one!

Do you want to build a sandman?
Since we have no snow in the Little Red Dot, why not build a sand snowman instead! By working together, you’ll be strengthening family bonds and your child's conversational ability. Push their creative boundaries by challenging them to find rocks, shells and seaweed to decorate their Sandman. Let in snow in Sunny Singapore!

X Marks the Spot
Get kids moving at the beach on a search for buried treasure. Depending on your child’s age, the list can be made up of either pictures or words. Finding different items on the treasure hunt builds their problem-solving skills and ignites imagination. Use seaweed, rocks, driftwood or even favourite toys from home for the treasure chest.

You Rock
Help little ones find suitable rocks in the sand to make your very own rock pets! A challenge for both their cognitive and motor skills, when it comes to the decorating you’ll also be inspiring their imaginations. For bonus points, task them with coming up with a fun name for their rock pets!

Enfa Art
Make use of an old Enfa can to create a unique work of art! First add pebbles covered in water based paint, followed by paper. Ask your little one to shake, rattle and roll with the can to give their motor skills a workout. Then open the lid to unveil your child's creation! For this activity, you create all the tools for their inspiration.

Citations and Sources
* Mead Johnson & Company claim based in part on Value Sales data reported by Nielsen for the Children Nutrition Milk Formula category across measured off-premise retail channels in 27 countries for the 12 months ending June 2017