The relationship between nutrition and brain development in toddlers

To trust your body as a guide through natural labour and delivery, the first step is to understand it. Bringing new life into the world is a miraculous journey filled with anticipation, joy, and sometimes a little apprehension. 


While medical advancements have made interventions like caesarean sections more accessible, there are numerous benefits associated with natural birth that cannot be overlooked. Putting faith in your body during this transformative journey may result in a more pleasant and powerful delivery experience, instilling a sense of confidence and forging a connection with the wondrous process of bringing new life into the world. In this article, we will:

  • Explore the benefits and importance of natural birth

  • Learn how to induce labour and have a vaginal delivery

  • Get answers to your queries on the methods, safety measures, potential outcomes and common concerns about vaginal deliveries.

1. Overview
2. Why induce labour and choose vaginal birth over caesarean
3. Preparing your body for a normal delivery experience.?
4. Setting the stage for a memorable arrival
5. Frequently Asked Questions


Why induce labour and choose vaginal birth over caesarean

  • Faster Recovery
    One significant advantage of natural birth is the relatively quicker recovery time compared to caesarean sections or other interventions. Since there are no surgical incisions or less anaesthesia involved, women who give birth naturally often experience less postpartum pain and discomfort.1

  • Hormonal Benefits
    Natural birth triggers a surge of hormones, including oxytocin and endorphins, which play a vital role in the birthing process. Both of these hormones promote a strong emotional bond between the mother and baby and also act as the body's natural painkillers. 2

  • Enhanced Bonding and Breastfeeding
    Skin-to-skin contact immediately after natural birth enhances the bond between the mother and baby. The uninterrupted physical closeness stimulates the baby's instinctual behaviours, such as breastfeeding initiation or latching on, which is known to be easier and more successful in natural births.3 

  • Lower Risk of Complications
    Natural birth, when appropriate and carefully managed, carries a lower risk of certain complications compared to other birth interventions. For instance, the risk of infection, blood loss, and surgical complications associated with caesarean sections is significantly reduced in natural births.1


Preparing your body for a normal delivery experience.? 

Not everyone should try to give Mother Nature a nudge. Naturally inducing labour should only be attempted if you have a low-risk pregnancy as assessed by your doctor, and should always be done with caution. Here are some ways on how to induce labour naturally.. Follow through with this 4-point plan:

  • Caring for your body with exercise to support a pain-free natural labour process - Attend childbirth education classes: Take advantage of childbirth education classes offered by hospitals or licensed birthing centres. These classes provide valuable information about the stages of labour, pain management techniques, breathing exercises, and helpful tips for partners.4ˢˣ

  • Caring for your body with nutritional strategies to support a pain-free natural labour process - Stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle: Engage in regular physical activity to maintain strength and stamina for labour, as approved by your healthcare provider. Eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated are also important.5 

    • A balanced diet during pregnancy is essential for easy natural labour and for ensuring overall health and well-being. This includes nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, which support physiological functions and promote optimal foetal development. Adequate intake of iron, calcium, and folic acid prevents complications and supports baby growth. 

    • Although there isn't sufficient published data to support the effectiveness of methods like bouncing on an exercise ball, trying different yoga poses, curb walking, or climbing stairs for inducing labour, exercise is still considered a potentially beneficial approach.7

    • Labour and delivery require proper hydration to prevent fatigue, muscle cramps, and decreased energy levels. Drinking enough water maintains fluid balance, supports healthy blood circulation, and promotes efficient muscle function during labour.

  • Holistic final tips for a successful natural delivery experience - Practise relaxation techniques: Learn and practise relaxation such as deep breathing, visualisation, and mindfulness. These can help you manage pain, reduce anxiety, and promote a calm and focused mindset during labour. 6

  • Sexual Intercourse: While not everyone is up to having sexual intercourse at the end of pregnancy, there is some proof that sex may help get labour going.¹⁰ 

Join the Enfamama A+ Club  today for free samples and discover the benefits of vaginal delivery and ways to induce labour naturally!


Setting the stage for a memorable arrival

Remember, when it comes to inducing labour, always trust the guidance of your healthcare professional, as they will prioritise your well-being and the safety of both you and your baby.


Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the answers to your burning questions about inducing labour, unlocking the secrets to a smooth and successful transition into the remarkable world of parenthood¹⁰. Here are some to get you started with:

  1. Are there advantages for the baby when delivered vaginally?

Yes, babies born through vaginal delivery may experience certain benefits that have been listed above.8 

  1. Are there situations when a vaginal delivery may not be possible?

While vaginal delivery is the preferred method in most cases, certain situations may make it unsafe or not feasible such as foetal distress, abnormal foetal presentation, placenta previa, or previous uterine surgery.9 

  1. Is it safe to induce labour?

Natural labour induction can increase the chances of a vaginal birth, but it depends on various factors such as the readiness of the cervix, the baby's position and estimated weight, and the progress of labor.7 

  1. Some questions all moms-to-be should be prepared to ask a Gynaecologist in the third trimester:

  • How will I know when the baby is due and when I should go to the hospital?

  • How will I know when my labour has begun?

  • What exactly is fake labour? How can I recognise genuine labour?

  • What should I do if my water breaks or a bloody discharge appears from my vagina?

  • What if I don't have labour pains even after 40 weeks?

  • What are the warning signals of an emergency?

  • What will happen during the labour process?

  • How bad will the pain be?

  • What can I do to alleviate labour pain? Exercises in breathing?

  • Will I be offered pain reliever medications?

  • What exactly is an epidural? What are the consequences of having one?

  • Can I eat or drink when I'm in labour? What sort of food am I allowed to eat? Is there anything I should avoid?

  • Will I need an intravenous line during labour?

  • How to induce labour at 40 weeks?


Expert Resource:

Regina Victoria Boyles, MD
Manila Doctors Hospital


Related articles:

  1. What To Pack In My Delivery Bag
  2. Choosing the Best Hospital in Singapore to Deliver Your Baby
  3. Different Types of Childbirth
  4. The Pros and Cons of C-Section for Your Second Baby

  1. MyCleveland Clinic. Vaginal Delivery. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 05/26/2022. Retrieved from

  2. NCT. Hormones, labour and birth: an introduction. Buckley SJ. (2015) Hormonal physiology of childbearing: Evidence and implications for women, babies, and maternity care. Washington, D.C.: Childbirth Connection Programs, National Partnership for Women and Families. Retrieved from,Buckley%202002%2C%20Buckley%202015).
  3. Benefits of Normal Delivery for the Mom and Baby by Aliya Khan Medically Reviewed By Dr. Priyanka Kalra (Gynecologist/Obstetrician) - Updated: December 12, 2022. Retrieved from

  4. s. DignityHealth. Preparing for Vaginal Birth and Delivery: 5 Helpful Tips. Retrieved from
    x. UTSouthWeston Medical centre. 5 exercises and techniques to train for childbirth. Retrieved from

  5. Raising Children. Vaginal Birth: A Guide. Last updated or reviewed 08-11-2021. © 2006-2023 Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited. Retrieved from

  6. Relaxation techniques for pain management in labour. 2018; 2018(3): CD009514. Published online 2018 Mar 28.

  7. UTSouthWeston. The truth about “natural” ways to induce labour. Elaine Duryea, M.D. Obstetrics and Gynecology. April 18, 2017. Retrieved from

  8. NIH. Caesarean versus Vaginal Delivery: Long term infant outcomes and the Hygiene Hypothesis. Josef Neu, MD a,b, a,b and Jona Rushing, MDc,c. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Jun 1. Published in final edited form as: Clin Perinatol. 2011 Jun. Retrieved from

  9. NIH. Vaginal Delivery. Ninad M. Desai; Alexander Tsukerman. Last Update: February 4, 2023. Copyright © 2023, StatPearls Publishing LLC. Retrieved from,absolute%20contraindication%20for%20vaginal%20delivery.

  10. How to induce Labour at home. By Laura Riley, M.D. Updated on April 24, 2023. Medically reviewed by Lulu Zhao, M.D.